Certifying fisheries of Aquatic Invasive Species: challenges and opportunities in the Mediterranean. Bonanomi S., Libralato S., Malvarosa L., Azzurro E. and Scarcella G. 2024. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 43 :82.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the use of eco (reusable and recyclable) boxes for the transport of fish. Malvarosa L., Accadia P., Cozzolino M., Gambino M. and Sabatella R. F. 2024. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 43 :258.
Identification of the relevant commercial fisheries to address the Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in the Mediterranean and black sea. Sabatella E. C., Chai S. M., Colloca F. , Fanelli E., Malvarosa L. 2024. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 43 :260.
Can pots be an alternative fishing gear to gillnets? A Mediterranean case study. M. Virgili, A. Petetta, B. Herrmann, K. Cerbule, S. Guicciardi, G. La Manna, L. Malvarosa, D. Li Veli, G. Barone, A. Lucchetti. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-024-09893-9
Deficiencies in monitoring practices of marine protected areas in southern European seas S. Giakoumi, K. Hogg, M. Di Lorenzo, N. Compain, C. Scianna, G. Milisenda, J. Claudet, D. Damalas, P. Carbonara, F. Colloca, A. Evangelopoulos, I. Isajlovi´c, D. Karampetsis, A. Ligas, B. Marˇceta, M. Nenciu, V. Nita, M. Panayotova, R. Sabatella, P. Sartor, V. Sgardeli, I. Thasitis, V. Todorova, N. Vrgoˇc, D. Scannella, S. Vitale, A. Di Franco. Journal of Environmental Management 355 (2024) 120476. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120476
Gli occupati nella pesca. Dati demografici e sociali. Sabatella R. F., Accadia P., Malvarosa L., Paolucci C. A cura di Nisea per Federpesca. The Nisea Press 2023 104 p. ISBN 978-88-941553-5-8 Copyright © 2023 Federpesca
Analisi costi benefici dell’utilizzo di cassette eco-sostenibili (riutilizzabili e riciclabili) per il trasporto del pescato. Malvarosa L., Accadia P., Paolucci C., Sabatella R. F. A cura di Nisea per Federpesca. The Nisea Press 2023 46 p. ISBN 978-88-941553-6-5 Copyright © 2023 Federpesca
Annuario sullo stato delle risorse e sulle strutture produttive dei mari italiani. P. Maiorano, R. Sabatella, L. Labanchi, F. Fiorentino (eds), 2022.
Data availability and participatory approach: the right mix for enhancing Mediterranean fisheries’ sustainability. Malvarosa L, Basilone G, Carbonara P, Carpentieri P, Cozzolino M, Follesa MC, Gambino M, Gancitano V, Parreno Duque D, Pesci P, Vielmini I and Scarcella G (2023). Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1155762. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1155762
The economic performance of the EU fishing fleet during the COVID-19 pandemic. CarpenterG,CarvalhoN,Guillen J,PrellezoR,Villasante S,Andersen JL,MravljeEA,Berkenhagen J,BrigaudeauC,BurkeB,Santos AC, Cano S, Contini F, Da-Rocha J-M, Davidjuka I, Martínez FMF, Fontaneda-López I, Gambino M, Caballero EG, Guyader O, Herring J, Hoekstra G, IoannouM, Jackson E, Jung A, Kazlauskas E, KeatingeM, Kuzebski E, Leonardi S,Le GrandC, Lees J,Mancebo-RobledoCM, Minne M-D, Mol A, QuintanaMM, Nicheva S, Pokki H, Do Ó JR, Rodríguez A, SabatellaRF, Sciberras A, Souffez A, Stroie C, Swahnberg H, Tzouramani I, Viana MV, Verlé K, Virtanen J, Vukov I, Zhelev K. 2023. Aquat. Living Resour. 36: 2 https://doi.org/10.1051/alr/2022022
La catena del valore e il consumo consapevole di prodotti ittici sostenibili come strategie per fronteggiare la crisi del settore ittico. Malvarosa, L. Presentazione Blue Sea Land, 8 dicembre 2022
Understanding EU Fisheries Management Dynamics by Engaging Stakeholders through Online Group Model-Building. Gercek, E.; Gambino, M.; Malvarosa, L. Sustainability 2022, 14, 15862. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142315862
NISEA – Rapporto sull’andamento economico della flotta italiana per regione – 2022
Analysis of the available funds supporting marine activities in some key European Mediterranean countries. Gambino M, Accadia P, Costantini M, Gomei M, Malvarosa L, Sabatella EC and Sabatella RF (2022) Front. Res. Metr. Anal. 7:927383. https://doi.org/10.3389/frma.2022.927383
Dataset generated for the study on the assessment of EMFF funds in six Mediterranean countries for the 2014-2020 period
An Inter-Temporal Computable General Equilibrium Model for Fisheries. Pan, H.; Failler, P.; Du, Q.; Floros, C.; Malvarosa, L.; Chassot, E.; Placenti, V. Sustainability 2022, 14, 6444. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116444
Reconciling the economic and biological fisherydata gathered through the European Data Collection Framework: A new R-tool. Bitetto I, Malvarosa L, Berkenhagen J, Spedicato MT, Sabatella E, Do¨ring R (2022) PLoS ONE 17(3): e0264334. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0264334
Bollettino NISEA – Impatto economico dell’incremento del costo del gasolio sulla flotta peschereccia italiana
Defend as You Can, React Quickly: The Effects of the COVID-19 Shock on a Large Fishery of the Mediterranean Sea. Russo T, Catucci E, Franceschini S, Labanchi L, Libralato S, Sabatella EC, Sabatella RF, Parisi A and Fiorentino F (2022) . Front. Mar. Sci. 9:824857. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.824857
Consumer perspectives on coastal fisheries and product labelling in France and Italy. Katrin Zander, Fabienne Daurès, Yvonne Feucht, Loretta Malvarosa, Claudio Pirrone, Bertrand le Gallic. Fisheries Research, Volume 246, 2022, 106168, ISSN 0165-7836.
La catena del valore e il consumo consapevole di prodotti ittici sostenibili come strategie per fronteggiare la crisi del settore ittico. Sabatella E.C., Gambino M., Malvarosa L., Sabatella R.F. 2021. Sintesi dell’intervento tenuto al Blue Sea Land, 30 Ottobre 2021.
Analisi preliminare della catena del valore di due specie/prodotti di attività di pesca selezionate dell’Italia meridionale. Malvarosa L., Gambino M.., Zander K. (2021). The Nisea Press, September 2021, ISBN 9788894155334.
NISEA – Rapporto sull’andamento economico della flotta italiana per regione – 2021
Towards transdisciplinary decision-support processes in fisheries: experiences and recommendations from a multidisciplinary collective of researchers. Macher C, Steins NA, Ballesteros M, Kraan M, Frangoudes K, Bailly D, Bertignac M, Colloca F, Fitzpatrick M, Garcia D, Little R, Mardle S, Murillas A, Pawlowski L, Philippe M, Prellezo R, Sabatella E, Thébaud O, Ulrich C. 2021. Aquat. Living Resour. 34: 13
Impatto socioeconomico sulla piccola pesca dell’emergenza COVID-19 di R. F. Sabatella, P. Accadia, M. Cozzolino, D. Pinello, M. Gambino, L. Malvarosa, E. C. Sabatella in L’ECONOMIA AI TEMPI DEL COVID-19
a cura di R. Livraghi e A. Barani – QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO/111 – FrancoAngeli
Covid-19: a wake-up call for a new deal for fishery: ecosystem, social and economic restoration. NISEA note 2020/1 L. Malvarosa, M. Cozzolino, F. Daurès, M. Gambino, M.C. Mangano, J.F. Polanco, E.C. Sabatella, R.F. Sabatella, G. Scarcella. 2020.
Analisi delle strutture produttive e delle caratteristiche socio-economiche delle marine italiane. G. Coppola, M. Gambino, C. Paolucci, M.L. Restaino. 2020. ISBN 9788894155341
La Politica Comune della Pesca e gli impatti economici e sociali sulla pesca a strascico Quaderno Uila Pesca – settembre 2019
Socio-economic impacts of the Common Fisheries Policy on South and Central Tyrrhenian Sea (GSA 10) demersal trawl fisheries Sabatella R.F., Accadia P., Cozzolino M., Gambino M., Malvarosa L., Sabatella E.C. (2020) In: Bevilacqua C., Calabrò F., Della Spina L. (eds) New Metropolitan Perspectives. NMP 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 177. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52869-0_12
NISEA – Rapporto sull’andamento economico della flotta italiana per regione amministrativa
Bollettini NISEA – Incidenza dell’emergenza COVID-19 sulle attività di pesca
Assessment of the economic performance of the seabream and seabass aquaculture industry in the European Union Llorente I., Fernández-Polanco J., Baraibar-Diez E., Odriozola M. D., Bjørndal T., Asche F., Guillen J., Avdelas L., Nielsen R., Cozzolino M., Luna M., Fernández -Sánchez J. L., Luna L., Aguilera C., Basurco B.
Marine Policy (2020), 103876 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103876 -
Annuario sullo stato delle risorse e sulle strutture produttive dei mari italiani. Maiorano P., Sabatella R.F., Marzocchi B.M. (eds) (2019), 432 pp.
A selective and low impacting traditional fishery, sustaining the economy of small coastal villages in central Mediterranean: Keep or replace the small‐scale driftnets? Sartor P, Carbonara P, Cerasi S, Lembo G, Facchini M T, Lucchetti A, Sabatella R F, Musumeci C, Zupa W, Spedicato M T. Fish Manag Ecol.2019; 26:661–673 https://doi.org/10.1111/fme.12397
Simulating the Effects of Alternative Management Measures of Trawl Fisheries in the Central Mediterranean Sea: Application of a Multi-Species Bio-economic Modeling Approach. Russo T, D’Andrea L, Franceschini S, Accadia P, Cucco A, Garofalo G, Gristina M, Parisi A, Quattrocchi G, Sabatella RF, Sinerchia M, Canu DM, Cataudella S and Fiorentino F (2019) Front. Mar. Sci. 6:542. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00542
Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) in fisheries: Implementation in EU fishing regions Malvarosa L., Murillas A., Lehuta S., Nielsen J.R., Macher C., Goti L., Motova A., Doering R., Haraldson G., Accadia P., Hamon K.G., Bastardie F., Maravelias C.D., Mardle S., Thøgersen T. Marine Policy Volume 101, March 2019, Pages 63-79 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.11.039
Research for PECH Committee – Discard ban, landing obligation and MSY in the Western Mediterranean Sea, the Italian case. Spedicato, M.T.; Bitetto, I.; Lembo, G.; Sartor, P.; Accadia, P. European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels. 2018.
MANTIS: Marine protected Areas Network Towards Sustainable fisheries in the Central Mediterranean. Internal deliverable 4.1 Good practices for MMAs network governance. Sabatella R., Accadia P., Bozanic K., Colloca F., Fournier N., Isajlovic I., Knittweis L., Pace M.L., Prato G., Sabatella E., Semmler Le H, Vielmini I., Vrgoč N. August 2017. Salerno, Italy. http://jadran.izor.hr/mantis/
Drivers of labor-related Indicators across diverse Mediterranean fisheries. (2017).
Gee, J.; Pinello, D.; Polymeros, K. Sustainability 2017, 9, 2000. -
Towards the Introduction of Sustainable Fishery Products: The Bid of a Major Italian Retailer.
Autori: Bonanomi S., Colombelli A.,Malvarosa L., Cozzolino M., Sala A.
Rivista Sustainability, 2017, vol. 9, issue 3, 1-8 -
An unconventional approach to estimating crew remuneration in fisheries. (2017). Pinello D., Gee J., Polymeros K.Marine Policy 87 (2017) 226–233
Key Economic Characteristics of Italian Trawl Fisheries and Management Challenges
(2017) Sabatella E., Colloca F., Coppola G., Fiorentino F., Gambino M., Malvarosa L., Sabatella R. FRONTIERS – Marine Science. -
Evolución de la industria de engorde de dorada y lubina en jaula en Italia. (2017). Cozzolino M., Gambino M., Llorente I. – XVI Congresso Nazionale Acquacoltura. Ottobre. Zaragoza, Spagna.
Consumer perceptions about coastal fishery and its products What Focus Groups from Italy and France tell us. (2017). Pirrone C., Paolucci C., Malvarosa L., Masson E., Mariojouls C., Daurès F., Le Gallic B., Feucht Y. Slow Fish biannual event, Maggio. Genova.
Co-management for sedentary species. The case of the “fasolari” fishery in Northern Adriatic. (2017). Malvarosa L., Cozzolino M., Gambino M.. Slow Fish biannual event, Maggio. Genova. Italia.
EurofishMagazine 4/2017
Finding a formula for Success – Coastal fisheries.
The first workshop on mussel farming hosted by the SUCCESS project in Cattolica, Italy, 27 May 2017. -
Performance economica della flotta da pesca italiana 2016, NISEA.
The Italian fishery sector: status and main trends (2016). R. F. Sabatella. (2016) Eurofishmagazine n.2/2016, 39-41. Copenaghen.
Towards an Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Campania region (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of coastal fishery activities and their socio-economic management. Gambino M., Accadia. P., Pinello D., Russo T., Malvarosa L., Sabatella, E.C., Cozzolino M., Sabatella R. F. (2016). Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 223, 342 – 348, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.05.239
Sustainable Impact Assessment (SIA) in fisheries. Implementation in EU fishing regions. Malvarosa L., Accadia P., Bastardie F., Doering R., Goti L., Hamon K. G., Haraldsson G., Lehuta S., Macher C., Maravelias C., Mardle S., Murillas A., Motova A., Nielsen R. J., Thøgersen T. (2016). To be submitted.
The “fasolari” fishery in Northern Adriatic: the role of PO in enhancing the sector competitiveness, 2016.Malvarosa L. and Cozzolino M. (2016). Eurofishmagazine no. 2/2016, 46-47. Copenaghen.
Improvements in Impact Assessment for fisheries management.The Socioec experience, Malvarosa L., A. Motova, R. Doering, A. Murillas, L. Gothi, C. Macher, S. Leutha, R. Nielsen, G. Haraldson, P. Accadia. (2015).< EAFE XXII Conference Proceedings, Conference Paper n. 16. Salerno, 2016./h4>
Indagine conoscitiva sullo scarto della pesca alle specie demersali nei mari italiani. Valutazioni propedeutiche per l’implementazione delle disposizioni comunitarie in tema di obbligo di sbarco.Sartor P., Carbonara P., Lucchetti A., Sabatella E.C. (2016)
Economic Advice to support Impact Assessments in the CFP, Socio-economic Data Needs and the Role of STECF. Conference “Economic advice in fisheries management: a trilogue between science, administration and stakeholders”. European Commission (DG MARE) in collaboration with the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE) and the University of Malta. Sabatella E.,(2016),
“Assessing the Efficiency of Small-Scale and Bottom Trawler Vessels in Greece.” Pinello, D., Liontakis, A., Sintori, A., Tzouramani, I., Polymeros, K. 2016. Sustainability 8, no. 7: 681.
A Sub-regional Analysis of the Socio-Economic situation of the Eastern Mediterranean Fisheries. Pinello D., Dimech M. 2016. GCP/INT/250/EC-IT/TD-22
A comparative review of fisheries management experiences in the European Union and in other countries worldwide: Iceland, Australia and New Zealand, 2016. Marchal P., Andersen J. L., Aranda M., Fitzpatrick M., Goti L., Guyader O., Haraldsson G., Hatcher A., Hegland T. J., Le Floc’h P., Macher C., Malvarosa L., Maravelias C. D., Mardle S., Murillas A., Nielsen J. R., Sabatella R., Smith A. D. M., Stokes K., Thoegersen T., Ulrich C. (2016)., Fish And Fisheries, 17(3), 803-824.http://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12147
Annuario sullo stato delle Risorse e sulle Strutture Produttive dei Mari italiani, (2015), a cura di A. Mannini e R.F. Sabatella. Biologia Marina Mediterranea. – ISSN 1123-4245
Le produzioni ittiche – La Pesca in “Annuario dell’agricoltura italiana” (2015). Vol. LXVIII ISBN 978-88-8145-334-4
Multi-criteria decision-making for fisheries management: a case study of Mediterranean demersal fisheries, Marisa R., Bitetto I., Spedicato M. T., Lembo G. M., Gambino M., Accadia P., Melià P. (2015). Marine Policy 53 (2015). 83-93, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2014.11.006.
Modelling the technology of commercial fishing vessels in Italy: a cost function approach, XXII EAFE Conference, Salerno, Sabatella E., Pellecchia A., Pinello D., Coppola G., Gambino M. (2015), 28-30 April 2015 ISBN 978-88-941553-0-3
Le produzioni ittiche – La Pesca in “Annuario dell’agricoltura Italiana” (2014). Vol. LXVII – ISBN 978-88-8145-410-5 .
Artisanal fisheries can benefit from certification. M.Cozzolino (2014). Eurofishmagazine n.6/2014.Copenaghen.
Socio-Economic Analysis of Egyptian Fisheries: Options for Improvement. Pinello D., Dimech M., Salah A., El Haweet A., (2014) GCP/INT/041/EC – GRE – ITA/TD-19.
Socio-Economic Analysis of the Lebanese Fishing Fleet. Scientific and Institutional Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Eastern Mediterranean. Pinello D., & Dimech M., (2013). GCP/INT/041/EC – GRE – ITA/TD-16. Athens 2013: 78 pp.
Pesca e risorse ittiche. Criticità sulla definizione del GES e degli obiettivi ambientali nella Strategia Marina. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 20 (1): 74-78 Fiorentino F., Carpentieri P., Gristina M., Lembo G., Mannini A., Russo T., Sabatella E., Sartor P., Spedicato M.T. (2013)
A review of EU bio-economic models for fisheries: The value of a diversity of models. Marine Policy. Prellezo R., Accadia P., Andersen J., Andersen B., Buisman E., Little A., Nielsen R., Poos J.J., Powell J. e Rockmann C. (2012). Volume 36, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 423-431.
The EU fisheries data collection system in Italy, in Cataudella S. & Spagnolo M. (eds), 2011 – The state of Italian marine fisheries and aquaculture. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali (MiPAAF), Rome (Italy), 620 p. E.C. Sabatella, P. Carpentieri (2011).
Bio-economic simulation and optimisation model for fisheries. FISHRENT. Salz P., Buisman E., Frost H., Accadia P., Prellezo R. & Soma K. (2011). LEI Report 2011-024, 74 pp. ISBN/EAN: 978-90-8615-514-9.
Sviluppo del Bilancio ambientale nel settore dell’acquacoltura per tecnologie intensive. Cozzolino M., Travisi C.M., Iandoli C. (2008). FrancoAngeli – ISBN 978-88-568-0170-5 Bilancio ambientale_Acquacoltura
A bio-economic indicators suite for the appraisal of the demersal trawl fishery in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean). Ceriola L., Accadia P., Mannini P., Massa F., Milone N., Ungaro N. (2008). Fisheries Research, Volume 92, Issues 2-3, August 2008, Pages 255-267.
“The Impact of the EU Buy Back Scheme on the Italian Fleet: The Northern and Central Adriatic Sea Bottom Trawlers Case”, in R.Curtis, D. Squires, Fisheries Buy Back, ISBN 9780813825465, Blackwell Publishing, (US).E.C. Sabatella, M.Spagnolo (2007).
Manual of fisheries sampling surveys: methodologies for estimations of socioeconomic indicators in the Mediterranean sea. FAO/General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Studies and Reviews, No. 73. 45 pp. Sabatella E.C. & Franquesa R.