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  • Towards the Introduction of Sustainable Fishery Products: The Bid of a Major Italian Retailer.
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  • An unconventional approach to estimating crew remuneration in fisheries. (2017). Pinello D., Gee J., Polymeros K.Marine Policy 87 (2017) 226–233

  • Key Economic Characteristics of Italian Trawl Fisheries and Management Challenges
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  • Evolución de la industria de engorde de dorada y lubina en jaula en Italia. (2017). Cozzolino M., Gambino M, Llorente I.– XVI Congresso Nazionale Acquacoltura. Ottobre. Zaragoza, Spagna.

  • Consumer perceptions about coastal fishery and its products What Focus Groups from Italy and France tell us. (2017). Pirrone C., Paolucci C., Malvarosa L., Masson E., Mariojouls C., Daurès F., Le Gallic B., Feucht Y. Slow Fish biannual event, Maggio. Genova.

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  • Towards an Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Campania region (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of coastal fishery activities and their socio-economic management. Gambino M., Accadia. P., Pinello D., Russo T., Malvarosa L., Sabatella, E.C., Cozzolino M., Sabatella R. F. (2016). Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 223, 342 – 348

  • Sustainable Impact Assessment (SIA) in fisheries. Implementation in EU fishing regions. Malvarosa L., Accadia P., Bastardie F., Doering R., Goti L., Hamon K. G., Haraldsson G., Lehuta S., Macher C., Maravelias C., Mardle S., Murillas A., Motova A., Nielsen R. J., Thøgersen T. (2016). To be submitted.

  • The “fasolari” fishery in Northern Adriatic: the role of PO in enhancing the sector competitiveness, 2016.Malvarosa L. and Cozzolino M. (2016). Eurofishmagazine no. 2/2016, 46-47. Copenaghen.

  • Improvements in Impact Assessment for fisheries management.The Socioec experience, Malvarosa L., A. Motova, R. Doering, A. Murillas, L. Gothi, C. Macher, S. Leutha, R. Nielsen, G. Haraldson, P. Accadia. (2015).< EAFE XXII Conference Proceedings, Conference Paper n. 16. Salerno, 2016./h4>

  • Indagine conoscitiva sullo scarto della pesca alle specie demersali nei mari italiani. Valutazioni propedeutiche per l’implementazione delle disposizioni comunitarie in tema di obbligo di sbarco.Sartor P., Carbonara P., Lucchetti A., Sabatella E.C. (2016)

  • Economic Advice to support Impact Assessments in the CFP, Socio-economic Data Needs and the Role of STECF. Conference “Economic advice in fisheries management: a trilogue between science, administration and stakeholders”. European Commission (DG MARE) in collaboration with the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE) and the University of Malta. Sabatella E.,(2016),

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  • A Sub-regional Analysis of the Socio-Economic situation of the Eastern Mediterranean Fisheries. Pinello D., Dimech M. 2016. GCP/INT/250/EC-IT/TD-22

  • A comparative review of fisheries management experiences in the European Union and in other countries worldwide: Iceland, Australia and New Zealand, 2016. Marchal P., Andersen J. L., Aranda M., Fitzpatrick M., Goti L., Guyader O., Haraldsson G., Hatcher A., Hegland T. J., Le Floc’h P., Macher C., Malvarosa L., Maravelias C. D., Mardle S., Murillas A., Nielsen J. R., Sabatella R., Smith A. D. M., Stokes K., Thoegersen T., Ulrich C. (2016)., Fish And Fisheries, 17(3), 803-824.

  • Annuario sullo stato delle Risorse e sulle Strutture Produttive dei Mari italiani, (2015), a cura di A. Mannini e R.F. Sabatella. Biologia Marina Mediterranea.
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  • Le produzioni ittiche – La Pesca in “Annuario dell’agricoltura italiana” (2015). Vol. LXVIII ISBN 978-88-8145-334-4

  • Multi-criteria decision-making for fisheries management: a case study of Mediterranean demersal fisheries, Marisa R., Bitetto I., Spedicato M. T., Lembo G. M., Gambino M., Accadia P., Melià P. (2015). Marine Policy 53 (2015). 83-93,

  • Modelling the technology of commercial fishing vessels in Italy: a cost function approach, XXII EAFE Conference, Salerno, Sabatella E., Pellecchia A., Pinello D., Coppola G., Gambino M. (2015), 28-30 April 2015 ISBN 978-88-941553-0-3

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  • Manual of fisheries sampling surveys: methodologies for estimations of socioeconomic indicators in the Mediterranean sea. FAO/General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Studies and Reviews, No. 73. 45 pp. Sabatella E.C. & Franquesa R., (