Raccolta ed analisi dei dati economici del settore ittico italiano

ISEA has, among its main aims, the support to the management of the Italian fisheries and, more generally, to the fishing sector as a whole, meant as primary sector (harvesting sector) and secondary sector (fish processing industry).
NISEA pursues these objectives providing economic evidence by mean of the collection, elaboration and analysis of the main economic data for the Italian fishing fleet and for the Italian fish processing industry.
The data collection is carried out by NISEA under the activities in charge of the consortium ITAFISHSTAT (www.itafishstat.it), of which NISEA is member, in compliance with the Italian National Programme for the collection of data for the fishery sector in accordance with Reg. EEC 1543/2000 and subsequent Reg. EEC 199/2008 and of the Decision of the Council 93/2010.
The above regulations set the EU framework for the collection, management and use of data of the fishery sector and represent a support to the scientific advice for the Common Fishery Policy.
Under the Italian National Programme for the collection of data for the fishery sector, NISEA, as member of ITAFISHSTAT, is responsible for the collection of the economic data for the Italian fishing fleet and fish processing sector.

The main activities concerning the collection, elaboration and analysis of the abovementioned economic data are:

  • Sampling survey for the collection of economic data for the Italian fishing fleet
  • Sampling survey for the collection of economic data for the Italian fish processing sector
  • Ad hoc elaboration for different end-users
  • Support to the data collection in the European and Mediterranean context