Paolo Accadia

Paolo Accadia is a fisheries economist who has been working for NISEA since 2013. He worked for the Italian Institute for Economic Research on Fisheries and Aquacultures (“IREPA”) for over ten years, first as researcher and subsequently as Head of the Institute’s Research Department.  He also worked as a researcher at the Centre for Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources (“CEMARE”), at the University of Portsmouth (UK).  He has a long experience in the socio- economic research of Italian and Mediterranean fisheries. During recent years, he has focussed his research activities on the development of bio-economic models and the evaluation of management measures for the fisheries sector. He has participated in numerous research and study projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies and by the European Commission, also in the capacity of Scientific Director. He has cooperated in European projects such as  BEMMFISH (Bio-economic Modelling of Mediterranean Fisheries), EFIMAS (Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options), COBECOS (Costs and Benefits of Control Strategies) and SOCIOEC (Socio Economic Effects of Management Measures of the future CFP). He has participated in studies such as ESIF (Energy Saving in Fisheries), “Survey of Existing Bio-economic Models”, “Remuneration of Spawning Stock Biomass” and BEMTOOL (Bio-Economic Modelling Tools).  He has been a member of the FAO Sub-Committee on Economic and Social Sciences (SAC- GFCM) and has participated in numerous Work Sub-groups of the European Commission Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, STECF .