Monica Gambino

Monica Gambino is a fisheries economist, who has built up a strong background in the field of socio-economic analysis of Mediterranean and European fisheries, participating in numerous studies and projects funded by the Ministry for Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies and the European Commission and is involved in the collection, processing and analysis of socio economic data related to the Italian Fishing Fleet, in the framework of the Community Data Collection Plan.
Over recent years, her research activities have on the evaluation of management plans and the development of bio-economic models, and statistical methods of validating and verifying data a. She has cooperated in both Italian and European projects such as SUCCESS, Strategic Use of Competitiveness towards Consolidating the Economic Sustainability of the European Seafood sector, H2020, the Analysis of Production Facilities and the Socio-Economic Characteristics of Italian shipping; LANDMED (Implications of the Implementation of the Landing Obligation Provisions in Small Pelagic Fisheries in the Mediterranean); SEDAF (Improved knowledge of the main socio-economic aspects related to the most important fisheries in the Adriatic Sea), Study in support of the review of the EU regime on the small-scale driftnet fisheries; BEMTOOL (Development of a Bio-economic Modelling Tool to develop and support multi-objective approaches for fisheries management); Evaluation of the capital value, investments and capital costs in the fishery sector; The relationship between fleet capacity, landings and the component parts of fishing efforts. Thanks to the skills developed during her professional experience, she participates in numerous workgroups for  FAO/GFCM, COFI/OCSE  and STECF, the advisory body of the European Commission (DG-MARE).