Loretta Malvarosa

Loretta Malvarosa  is a fisheries economist with 16 years of proven experience in both the Italian and International scenario.
She is currently working for NISEA.  Previously, she worked for  IREPA for over 10 years. In the international field, she has also cooperated with FAO as an analyst of import/export of fish products between the EU and non-EU Mediterranean Countries. Her main fields of specialization are: the collection and analysis of data on the fisheries sector and the processing of fish products, evaluation of the economic performance of the fishing fleet, Impact Assessment (IA) and Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA), analysis of sectorial interdependence (tables I/O), analysis of the value chain. She gained her professional experience prevalently by involvement in the Italian National Fisheries Data Collection Programmes (pursuant to Council Regulation 1543/2000 and, subsequently Council Regulation n. 199/2008) and by involvement in numerous projects funded by the EU under the  Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Master Plan - SOCIOEC (Socio Economic Effects of Management Measures of the future CFP), COBECOS(Costs and Benefits of Control Strategies), ECOFISHMAN (Ecosystem based Responsive Fisheries Management in Europe), PECHDEV (Development and Application of a Computable Model of General Equilibrium to analyse the Contribution of Halieutic Activities to Regional Development), FISHREG (Fishery Regulation and the Economic Responses of Fishermen: Perceptions and Compliance – and currently in the context of  H2020 - SUCCESS (Strategic Use of Competitiveness towards Consolidating the Economic Sustainability of the European Seafood sector, H2020).  She has participated in studies such as ESIF (Energy saving in fisheries), “Evaluation of the Capital Value, Investments and Capital Costs in the Fishery Sector” and “Calculation of Labour including FTE (Full Time Equivalent) in Fisheries”.  She has cooperated with the EUROFISH network as a national delegate of  MiPAAF in the capacity as expert on the import/Export of Seafood  Products and since 2009, she has been a member of the  STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries), advisory body of the European Commission (DG-MARE).